Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Voicemail Busts Joe Biden From His Own Mouth Calling Son About Chinese Biz Dealings, why hasn't this man been impeached already ??

Joe Biden has said repeatedly that he never spoke to his son about his business dealings. In particular, he denied that his son ever made money related to China.

We’ve shown in the past how both of those statements were lies.

Joe met with several business partners of Hunter’s while he was vice president. That included when he met with business associates from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan at a dinner at the Cafe Milano in Georgetown, in 2015.

Joe Biden also met with Jonathan Li, one of Hunter’s business partners in 2013 when, Joe Biden flew Hunter on Air Force Two to his meeting with Li in China. You can see that picture above.

Then there were also these pictures with Hunter’s billionaire business associates, including Carlos Slim, at the VP residence.

Hunter’s message indicated that he was mad that he was getting them meetings, but wasn’t feeling he was getting enough back.

Those stories are just some that we know.

Then not only did Hunter make millions related to China, Tony Bobulinksi had also come forward in October 2020 and said that Joe Biden was the “big guy” referred to in the emails, who was supposed to get a percentage of the joint venture deal they were working on with the Chinese oil company CEFC.

But now, there’s a voicemail from 2018 that completely busts Joe Biden from his own mouth on talking about his son’s business. The voicemail comes from a backup of his iPhone XS that was stored on his abandoned laptop. On it, Joe leaves a message for Hunter asking to talk about his a New York Times story related to Hunter’s dealing with the CEFC.

The Times’ 2018 story pointed out CEFC’s chairman Ye Jianming had been arrested in China and his top lieutenant Patrick Ho had been convicted in the US for bribing African officials to help Iran evade oil sanctions.

It revealed that Ye had met with Hunter at a Miami hotel in 2017 to discuss ‘a partnership to invest in American infrastructure and energy deals.’

The Times reported that when Ho was arrested, he called Joe’s brother Jim Biden – who told the newspaper that he believed the call was meant for Hunter.

The Gray Lady said it was ‘unclear whether Hunter Biden struck any business deals with CEFC’, not knowing at the time the depths of his connections with his Chinese business partners.

Joe then left the following voicemail for Hunter after the story broke.

‘Hey pal, it’s Dad. It’s 8:15 on Wednesday night. If you get a chance just give me a call. Nothing urgent. I just wanted to talk to you,’ he said.

‘I thought the article released online, it’s going to be printed tomorrow in the Times, was good. I think you’re clear. And anyway if you get a chance give me a call, I love you.’

“I think you’re clear,” Joe said. Surely sounds like they had a concern about what might come out, but thought they had skated clear of it.

What came out later was that Ho had hired Hunter to represent him as an attorney. But what kind of help was he paying for? Hunter Biden was not exactly known as a sterling criminal attorney.

According to NBC:

Biden never made an appearance on the docket in Ho’s case, and there are no emails on his laptop that indicate he was involved in the legal strategy of the case or drafted any legal documents outside his suggestion of whom to use as Ho’s counsel.

There’s more, and this may explain what Joe had concerned.

A copy of a FISA warrant obtained by DailyMail.com reveals that federal agents were monitoring Ho as a potential spy for China.

And while holed up in a hotel room on a bender with a prostitute filming amateur sex tapes, Hunter accidentally recorded himself referring to Ho as the ‘spy chief of China’.

‘I have another New York Times reporter calling about my representation of the, literally, Dr. Patrick Ho — the f***ing spy chief of China who started the company that my partner [Jianming], who is worth $323 billion, founded and is now missing,’ Hunter told his female friend in the May 11, 2018 recording.

‘The richest man in the world is missing, who was my partner.’

Now, what Ho’s role exactly is with China is not clear, but Hunter appeared to believe he was an important intelligence operative for China, yet apparently had no problem working for him or taking money from him.

So, we not only have all kinds of questions about Hunter’s Russian connections because of the Russian escorts and suggestions of blackmail, but we also have all these questions about China as well. Not to mention Ukraine, with all the money now flowing there at the behest of Joe Biden. It’s a mess and screams for a full investigation.


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