Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Tuesday 'Toon: Joe Biden, the Most Corrupt President Ever

Sure, having the Biden crime syndicate in charge of the presidency adds a lot of rich fodder for a cartoonist. But wouldn’t be nice if, just once, I had nothing to lampoon?

Joe told us he knew nothing about, and never discussed, Hunter’s dirty dealings with China. A new report on a voicemail left by the Big Guy for Joe’s bagman leaves no doubt that Joe’s a crook and liar. But, we knew that.

Joe’s in the pocket of CCP. Everyone knows it — friend and foe.


Jim Thompson

Editorial Cartoonist. Master in Sports with a double minor in Politics and Culture.

30 years as a Trial Lawyer (won some lost some). 35 years as an Editorial Sports Cartoonist (undefeated)

Formerly with the Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles Daily News, LANG News Group. Contributor to Sports Illustrated Extra Mustard.

Email me at Thompsonsportsart@gmail.com for details on commissions 

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