Saturday, February 18, 2023

Biden: White people love watching lynchings, even now

Biden: White people love watching lynchings, even now

I can’t even with this guy.

Not that guy. Biden doesn’t even know who that is – he’s never met him except in fever dreams.

Nah, I’m talking about the one we’re actually saddled with now.

You have to hear it for yourself.

Mother. Of. God.

The president (my teeth automatically grind when I type that) Biden was hosting a screening of the movie “Till and stepped in it as only he can.

President Joe Biden on Thursday hosted a screening of the movie “ Till,” a wrenching, new drama about the 1955 lynching of Emmett Till, who was brutally killed after a white woman said the Black 14-year-old had made improper advances toward her.

“History matters,” Biden said in brief remarks before the lights in the East Room came down on invited guests, including members of Till’s family. He noted that while some might want to ignore the nation’s history, “Only with truth comes healing and justice.

Biden wouldn’t know the truth if it hit him in the chops with a knotted rope. Yeah, he’s all great uniter and cuddle bug do-gooder, right up to where he rolls into accusing some – “SOME” – WHITE folks of still wanting to have a garden party around swinging bodies, complete with pictures and postcards. Today I guess he means TikTok and Instagram videos – what do I know?

His “some people” leaves interpretation wide open, doesn’t it? A slick trick on the old boy’s part – smear nobody specific, and everyone together. A wink to white people everywhere, “You know I didn’t mean you” while the racial grievance activist community gets the “they still want you dead” message loud and clear.

Regular folks: How do you know that?

Grievance type: The president said so.

One thing I do know, and that is I know not a single soul of the kind of cretin this president is referring to. He must be remembering some of HIS friends.

Bob Bird

Another thing I know is the man bragging about signing the anti-lynching law named for Emmett Till knows a thing or two about lynchings himself, in the figurative sense, having orchestrated one of the most public hanging attempts in recent history. I mean, when they pan the camera around the room, there’s the chief executioner right smack in the middle. He should look familiar. Unless I’m mistaken, that’s a black man in the hot seat.

For all of Biden’s bluster and posturing that his Supreme Court nominee HAD to be black, where was any respect shown to Clarence Thomas? He couldn’t even speak to him like an adult – he oozes scorn and drips condescension.

Biden was the insufferable, grandstanding ass he’s always been.

Just as he was playing to the audience today. Rewriting history, as he tends to do when he gets onstage and the thrill of the crowd fires his heroic fiction genes up and his penchant for the dramatic takes over.

…Say yes, sir, no, ma’am, don’t hesitate to humble yourself if you have to get down on your knees. That conversation is not in the distant past. The same talk today, so many black and brown families — parents have to have that similar conversation with their children, worrying about whether they’ll come home from a walk down the street or playing in the park or just driving a car, like we saw Tyre Nichols just last month, and becoming a victim of too many acts of hate and violence unleashed on those known and unknown.

Folks, I thought I got involved in the civil rights movement as a public defender, as my colleagues know, when I was a kid getting out in law school. And I thought you could defeat heat because we’d passed the Civil Rights Act and so many other things. But I learned a lesson.

A couple of quibbles there. The “hate and violence” that killed Tyre Nichols were five black officers laying a beating on the young man. There were zero white garden party types in attendance.

How many blacks believe this kid was murdered by white police officers?

I’m terrified to ask, and this arrogant, miserable race-baiter just keeps feeding those flames.

The second quibble is freedom fighter Joe, champion of civil rights.

Ah. NO.

Not remotely. He’s a malevolent, mendacious blowhard, who likes to wrap himself in a cloak of empathy for the cameras, all the while fomenting as much racial hate and class envy as he can, every chance he can.

…Folks, I thought I got involved in the civil rights movement as a public defender, as my colleagues know, when I was a kid getting out in law school. And I thought you could defeat heat because we’d passed the Civil Rights Act and so many other things. But I learned a lesson. Hate never goes away. It just hides under the rocks until it’s given a little oxygen by lousy people.

You heard it here – Joe Biden is a lousy person who has hate’s O2 valve wide open.


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