Saturday, February 18, 2023

House Oversight Committee to Hold Hearings on Biden Admin's Disastrous Afghanistan Pullout

House Oversight Committee to Hold Hearings on Biden Admin's Disastrous Afghanistan Pullout

The House Oversight Committee has demanded documentation from several Biden Administration entities regarding its unmitigated disaster of a pullout from Afghanistan in August 2021. From Townhall:

“The Biden Administration was tragically unprepared for the Afghanistan withdrawal and their decisions in the region directly resulted in a national security and humanitarian catastrophe,” Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said in a statement on Friday.

“U.S. servicemen and women lost their lives, Americans were abandoned, taxpayer dollars are unaccounted for, the Taliban gained access to military equipment, progress for Afghan women was derailed, and the entire area is now under hostile Taliban control,” Comer continued. “The American people deserve answers and the Biden Administration’s ongoing obstruction of this investigation is unacceptable.”

The Biden administration has previously withheld information from Republican members of the House Oversight Committee while Democrats controlled the lower chamber. But now that Republicans have their majority, the president and his administration won’t be able to avoid answering questions or turning over documents.

“With the power of the gavel, Oversight Republicans are determined to provide answers, transparency, and accountability,” Comer pledged of his committee’s newest investigation into the Biden administration. “Every relevant department and agency should be prepared to cooperate and provide all requested information. The American people expect nothing less,” Comer added.

The fallout from the Biden Administration’s botched withdrawal has been well-documented here at RedState.

  • In August 2022, Brittany Sheehan detailed the heartbreaking story of a brother of one of the 13 service members killed, by a suicide bomber in the withdrawal’s chaotic last days.
  • Jennifer Van Laar exclusively reported how Maj. Gen. Christopher Donahue ordered evacuees off a transport plane, so he could bring a captured Taliban ground weapon home as a war souvenir.
  • Brandon Morse, in January 2023, mentioned how Russia President Vladimir Putin is reportedly in negotiations with the Taliban to purchase some, if not all, of the military equipment the United States left behind in Afghanistan, obviously for use in Russia’s war with Ukraine.
  • Streiff, in December 2022, and Bob Hoge, in February 2023, noted the Taliban’s vigorous oppression of women
  • In February 2023, Bonchie took Biden Administration Charge d’Affaires to Afghanistan, Karen Decker to the woodshed for her inane tweets regarding how all Afghan women need is #BlackGirlMagic to rise up against their oppressors. Malala Yousafzai would doubtless like a word with her.

While no one can argue with the need to hold this present administration’s feet to the fire, the question remains as to whether any of this will serve a genuine purpose–save red meat tossing and soundbite generation for 2024 re-election campaigns. Republicans on congressional committees talking tough is nothing new. What would be unique is some actual action.

We’ve all had more than our fill of Republicans striking poses when the cameras roll, followed by bellow and bluster. Submit some indictments. Initiate some impeachments. Try, for once; disprove you’re nothing more than Democrats Lite, perfectly content to play the game and talk the talk, while cheerfully going along to get along. “The Squad” often shows more integrity in sticking to its principles than the establishment GOP.

So, do something, GOP. Once–just once–walk the talk.


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