Thursday, September 14, 2023

Another FBI Narrative About the Hunter Biden Case Just Imploded

 Father and Son Traitors.
You’d think the Federal Bureau of Investigation would figure out they can’t sell their spin anymore. It’s become an embarrassing spectacle to see our nation’s top law enforcement and domestic intelligence agency get owned over the simplest reasons: they lie and have zero credibility. 

The bureau’s days of being a dogmatic apolitical agency adhering to top-notch professionalism died during the Trump presidency when the FBI was neck-deep peddling fake news and false narratives about Russian collusion—even going so far as to doctor evidence to secure illegal spy warrants on Trump associates. 

So, are we shocked that they tried to pull a media pivot over the Hunter Biden story? He has been one of their top targets for political cover since 2020. This week, an FBI agent, Thomas Sobocinski, tried to sell a different narrative vis-à-vis IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler regarding what David Weiss said about his authority in bringing charges against the younger Biden. Shapley and Zeigler said Weiss told them in a meeting that he was not the deciding authority, whereas Sobocinski, who was also present allegedly, said he heard no such thing. 

B) Sobocinski suggests that he agrees with IRS whistleblowers that Weiss plodded on his decison to charge Hunter Biden.

— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) September 13, 2023

C) From Russell Dye, spokesman for Judiciary Committee Chair Jordan: Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler have been wholly consistent throughout their disclosures to Congress, and the only people who haven’t are people like David Weiss, Merrick Garland, and their liberal cronies.

— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) September 13, 2023

It was the latest attempt to discredit the whistleblowers whose credible testimony created fits for Democrats, nuked the Hunter Biden plea deal, and might have accelerated the timeline of the Trump indictment circus to drown out the incriminating news against the Biden administration. Shapley tuned over more notes that blew up this latest FBI media interference operation (via The Federalist):

NEW: IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley’s contemporaneous notes October 2022 meeting where he alleged US attorney Weiss said he was not the decision maker on Hunter Biden charges. Weiss/DOJ dispute. READ: “Weiss stated – He is not deciding person,” “Weiss requested Special Counsel…

— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) September 13, 2023

On Monday, IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley provided congressional oversight committees nine new documents related to the botched Hunter Biden investigation, according to a letter sent Wednesday morning to the House Judiciary Committee. The letter also contained a redacted 10th new document: the handwritten notes Shapley took during the Oct. 7, 2022, meeting in which Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss allegedly announced to his team that he was “not the deciding official on whether charges are filed” against Hunter Biden. 

Those handwritten notes further bolster Shapley’s earlier testimony about the meeting and debunk counterclaims by the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Baltimore field office that Weiss had not said he lacked authority to charge Hunter Biden. What the other nine documents reveal, however, remains to be seen. 

“Yesterday the Washington Post published a story reportedly based on a transcript it obtained of the Committee’s interview of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agent in Charge Thomas J. Sobocinski,” the letter from Shapley’s Empower Oversight attorneys to the House Judiciary Committee opened. Sobocinski was one of seven attendees at the Oct. 7, 2022, meeting, in which — according to Shapley’s previous testimony, corroborated by an email he sent following the meeting — Weiss said he was “not the deciding official” on whether to charge Hunter Biden and that he had been denied special counsel authority to charge the president’s son in D.C. or California. 

As The Federalist reported earlier Wednesday based on its review of the transcript of Sobocinski’s interview, “Sobocinski claimed he did not remember Weiss saying he had sought (and been denied) special counsel status or that Weiss had represented that he was ‘not the deciding official.’” Further, “according to Sobocinski, had Weiss said either of those things, he would have remembered it,” with the FBI agent implying Shapley’s claims were false. 

This torching of FBI narratives isn’t new. They, along with Democrats, tried to squash the Biden crime family allegations in June, trotting out an alternate timeline that didn’t comport with reality. House Democrats ran with it, which stated that Rudy Giuliani was somehow involved with these allegations and that then-Attorney General William Barr shut down the probe into Hunter Biden due to lack of evidence. 

That didn’t happen; Barr referred the matter to the US Attorney’s Office for Delaware. Hunter’s shady deeds were documented in 2017, three years before anything Giuliani might have brought forward. This attempt at changing the narrative occurred when the FBI was forced to turn over the FD-1023 report in which the bureau’s own confidential source admitted to a slew of potentially felonious activities committed by the Biden family, one of which is a $10 million Burisma bribe to Joe and Hunter Biden. The FBI has known about this family’s operations since at least 2018.  

Bailey: The so call Justice System in America is broken. Joe Biden and his son Hunter should have been put in jail a long time ago.


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