Thursday, September 14, 2023

'Ignore the media. Impeach him.' Redsteeze with smoking gun thread on Biden impeachment


Since Kevin McCarthy announced an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, the media has been working overtime to cover for the president and his shady dealings

Their argument can be summed up as, ‘We didn't find an actual check written to the president, therefore, we have no proof of wrongdoing.’

CNN even put three fact-checkers on the story and, well, stepped on a whole bunch of rakes:

Seriously, how bad are they at their jobs?

Setting aside the fact the Republicans seem to finally be playing by the rules the Democrats set with Trump (the first article about impeaching Trump dropped 19 minutes after his inauguration, after all), there is ample evidence of Biden's corruption.

Enter perennial Twitchy favorite Stephen Miller (@redsteeze), brings up an interesting piece of evidence that is one of many smoking guns:

$5 million is a lot of money. We're sure this is totally a coincidence.

Wouldn't it be nice if we had a group of people whose job it was to ask tough questions and investigate things like this? We could even give them a special job title. Perhaps we could call them something like 'journalist.'

Yet, those charged with speaking truth to power are noticeably incurious about where that $5 million came from or why it wasn't reported. 

From the screenshot, which is quoting the Senate GOP investigation from the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the U.S. Committee on Finance Majority Staff Report.

Within 10 days of Hunter Biden's WhatsApp message to the Chinese official associated with CEFC, a CEFC subsidiary sent 2 payments totaling $5.1 million to accounts linked to Hunter, according to records cited in the Senate GOP investigation.

That's a boatload of school supplies.

The DailyMail investigation dates back to April 2022, and notes 

But the president's financial filings reveal that he declared almost $7million more income on his tax returns than he did on his government transparency reports, an analysis by of the president's financial records shows.

Some of that difference can be accounted for with salaries earned by First Lady Jill Biden and other sums not required on his reports – but still leaves $5.2million earned by Joe's company and not listed on his transparency reports. 

The 'missing millions' – combined with emails on Hunter's abandoned laptop suggesting Joe would have a 10% share in Hunter's blockbuster deal with the Chinese – raise a troubling question: did Joe Biden receive money from the foreign venture?

Amazing the work foreign journalists do when looking into our president, isn't it?

It shouldn't amaze us that they're going with ‘we never saw a check with the president's name on it’ defense, but it does. Anything to protect the president. Even breathtakingly blatant lies.

Let's say this is the smoking gun. It's hard, factual evidence that links Biden to his son's business dealings, because it's not a coincidence that $5 million is the amount wired to Hunter and the amount Biden failed to report. The media could find Biden with the proverbial smoking gun in his hand, standing over the $5 million, and they'd still defend him. You cannot win with the media.

Yes. This. Impeach him. Ball's in your court, Republicans. Don't screw this up.

Bailey: With no concrete evidence on Trump the democrats impeached him twice on false charges. With a ton of factual evidence on crooked Biden he hasn't been touched, what the hell with that?

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