Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Matt Gaetz: Trump's 'Keep America Great' campaign an 'inclusive movement'

President Trump's campaign is an inclusive venture that seeks to unite Americans in favor of economic prosperity, according to Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla.
Gaetz' home state was "electric" Wednesday night during the president's raucous rally in Orlando, the congressman from Pensacola said on Fox News' "Hannity" after the event.
"What's different about Donald Trump - and so special - is that it's an inclusive movement that invites people in if they want better jobs, better opportunity, and if they want America respected again," Gaetz said.
"There's an electricity here in Florida that we think is going to pulse all around America with an enthusiasm for the Trump campaign," he added.
The House Judiciary Committee member said people at the rally, which he too attended, were invited to be part of the campaign.
"What was so special today is that people really felt part of this movement," he said. "It was great to see the president reinforce those themes."
Gaetz added Trump will "excite the vibrance of this great country through his reelection campaign."
During the rally, which served as an official kickoff event for Trump's 2020 re-election effort, the president told the Amway Center crowd he was christening a new campaign slogan to replace "Make America Great Again."
"We've made America great again, but how do you give up the number one -- call it theme, logo, statement, in the history of politics -- for a new one?" the president asked the crowd.
"You know there is a new one that really works, and that's called 'Keep America Great.' Right? 'Keep America Great.'"

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

illegal alien with driver's license Cartoons

New York Gov. Andrew signs bill granting illegal immigrants driver’s licenses

Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Monday night signed legislation granting driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants — shortly after the controversial measure passed the state Senate.
Cuomo’s action came despite throwing supporters a last-minute curveball by asking the state’s top civil attorney, Solicitor General Barbara Underwood, to review the measure for possible safety concerns — threatening to veto it if he didn’t like her assessment.
“You could create a database for the feds to use to actually track down undocumented people,” Cuomo said on WAMC radio. “California passed a law, and they are now in litigation.”
But Underwood’s boss, Attorney General Tish James, later released a statement amid the Monday-night vote arguing that the bill is legally sound.
“The legislation is well-crafted and contains ample protections for those who apply for driver’s licenses. If this bill is enacted and challenged in court, we will vigorously defend it,” she said.
The law takes 180 days to go into effect, meaning the first licenses will be available in December.
The measure on Monday passed the state Senate by a 33-29 count, often eliciting emotional remarks from both sides of the aisle during the floor vote.

Hannity: John Brennan and others must be held accountable

Fox News host Sean Hannity blasted former CIA chief John Brennan Monday saying he pushed the "dirty dossier" authored by Christopher Steele.
"At the very same time, Christopher Steele, Hillary Clinton's dirty Russian dossier with Russian lies, misinformation, propaganda was allegedly being pushed by then CIA Director, a guy by the name of John Brennan," Hannity said on his television show.
Hannity pointed out that everything he believes Brennan did that influenced the Russia investigation happened under the Obama administration's watch.
"All of this happened on Obama and sleepy, creepy, crazy uncle Joe's watch, not Donald Trump's. Brennan, now a paid official 24/7 Trump hater, on conspiracy TV MSNBC... he should be very worried tonight. He has previously called the president treasonous. But tonight it looks far more likely, far more plausible that in fact, it was Brennan who used his huge power and influence at the Central Intelligence Agency to spread lies, propaganda, misinformation, to influence a presidential election," Hannity said.
Hannity added, "How deep this goes we won't find out and it is not just Brennan who needs to be held accountable."
The Fox News host also made it clear how powerful the nation's intelligence community is but noted how it was important it is that they are not "weaponized" politically.
"Now, we do entrust what is absolutely, positively -- I'm proud of this because we need them. The world's single most powerful tools of intelligence to protect us against many enemies both foreign and domestic. Those enemies are real," Hannity said.
"These powerful tools, however, are never to be weaponized against the American people for or political opponents or political campaigns."

Omar calls for US to ‘return to table’ after report on Iran’s uranium threat, blames Trump

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn, one of Congress' most vocal critics of President Trump, placed the blame squarely on the White House after Iran announced it could enrich uranium up to 20 percent -- just a step below weapons-grade level.
The tension between the U.S. and Iran has been increasing in recent days after a high-profile attack on two oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz. The U.S. blamed Iran for the attacks, which the country denied.
Iran said it would break a limit on uranium stockpiles established by the 2015 agreement with world powers that was intended to restrict the Islamic Republic's nuclear program in exchange for an easing of international sanctions.
Omar said, "none of this would be happening if Trump didn't back out of the Iran nuclear deal." She said the U.S. should get back to negotiations with Tehran and reinstate the Iran nuclear deal.
Trump declared Iran was responsible for the attacks in the Gulf of Oman, pointing to video released by the U.S. Navy that they claimed showed an Iranian vessel removing an unexploded mine.
"Iran did do it and you know they did it because you saw the boat,” Trump said during an interview on "Fox & Friends" last Friday. "They're a nation of terror and they've changed a lot since I've been president, I can tell you."
Omar took to Twitter on Monday condemning Trump's decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal shortly before the Pentagon approved sending 1,000 more troops to the Middle East in response to the attack.
Critics slammed Omar for "appeasing the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism."
Iran's announcement raised pressure on Europeans trying to save the accord a year after the U.S. withdrawal.
President Hassan Rouhani already has warned Europe that a new deal needs to be in place by July 7 or the Islamic Republic would increase its enrichment of uranium.
Rouhani, greeting France’s new ambassador to Tehran on Monday, similarly warned that time was running out on the deal.
“The current situation is very critical and France and the other parties to the (deal) still have a very limited opportunity to play their historic role for saving the deal,” Rouhani said, according to his website.
Fox News' Edmund DeMarche and The Associated Press contributed to this report

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: The U.S. is 'running concentration camps on our southern border'

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, on Monday told her Instagram followers that the U.S. government is "running concentration camps on our southern border."
"That is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps," Ocasio-Cortez said during a live-stream that was viewed by Fox News.
Her office did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment. The freshman representative did, however, retweet a screengrab for the Q&A with a caption that praised her accessibility.
She told her followers she wants to talk to people "who are concerned enough with humanity to say that 'never again' means something."
"The fact that concentrations camps are now an institutionalized practice in the Home of the Free is extraordinarily disturbing and we need to do something about it," the freshman Democrat continued.
The New York representative insisted that "we are losing to an authoritarian and fascist presidency."
"I don't use those words lightly," Ocasio-Cortez continued. "I don't use those words to just throw bombs. I use that word because that is what an administration that creates concentration camps is. A presidency that creates concentration camps is fascist and it's very difficult to say that."

Monday, June 17, 2019

New York Times Cartoons

New York Times Under Fire from Pres. Trump and Don Jr

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:40 AM PT — Sunday, June 16, 2019
The President called for a poll to see which media outlet is more ‘deceitful’: The New York Times or The Washington Post.
On Twitter Sunday, he said ‘they are both a disgrace to our country, the enemy of the people, but I just can’t seem to figure out which is worse”.
This comes after President Trump alluded to a reelection win in the 2020 presidential race, saying ‘the good news is that at the end of six years after America has been made great again and I leave the beautiful White House, both of these horrible papers will quickly go out of business and be forever gone” he said on Twitter Sunday.
Plus, President Trump isn’t the only person sounding the alarm against fake media and, specifically, The New York Times.
Donald Trump junior slammed the New York Times Saturday over its recently debunked piece on the delay of placing Harriet Tubman on the 20 dollar bill.
He said, if the publication is really a so-called ‘paper of record’ it’s only because they continue to set records for the amount of fake news they print.
The comment refers to a Times article published Friday, which claimed an anonymous employee at the Treasury Department said the bill’s design was delayed for political reasons.
In fact, the bill’s release was pushed back from 2020 to 2028, however, an agency spokesperson says that’s because Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, is focusing on the new bill’s security features and anti-counterfeiting measures.
Plus, The Bureau of Engraving and Printing Director, Len Olijar, also said it takes years to finalize a redesigned bill, citing the 100 dollar note which took nearly a decade to complete in response to the controversy.
