Tuesday, July 23, 2024

NBC's Steve Kornacki Throws Cold Water on Kamala Harris' Chances

Steve Kornacki | Biography, Political Journalist, MSNBC, Clothing, & Facts  | Britannica

Joe Biden’s presidency is over. It’s now a half-dead vessel, much like the man himself, but Democrats appear overjoyed that Vice President Kamala Harris is taking the 2024 Democratic mantle, though it’s not like Joe had much choice. He had to back Harris if he bowed out. The disunity he sowed by remaining in the race led to an unprecedented fracturing of the party not seen since 1968. Harris is the only person who could legally inherit his war chest. If he couldn’t run for a second term, maybe he could work on bringing the party back together. Harris’ ascension has led to over $250 million in donations, another damning sign that Biden likely would have run out of juice in the final and most critical phase of the 2024 election. 

Yet, NBC’s Steve Kornacki threw cold water on the Harris candidacy, namely that she’s untested. She dropped out before the start of the primaries in 2020; Tom Steyer’s campaign lasted longer than hers. She’s also equally unpopular as Biden and owns the same record. Kornacki noted that “hope” more than numbers is inflating Democrats’ hopes of keeping the White House in November (via RealClearPolitics): 

NBC's Kornacki: Idea That Kamala Harris Will Do Better Than Biden Is "Based More On Hope" Than Any Numbershttps://t.co/vkeO04Cr7g

"She has not really been tested. Her name never got to a primary ballot in 2020. She dropped out a couple of months before that." pic.twitter.com/ubt6eM1gfm

— RCP Video (@rcpvideo) July 22, 2024

There'd be no real parallel for Biden exiting at this point. He's the presumptive WH nominee (meaning: won needed delegates in primaries) and no one in that position has withdrawn in the modern era. For that matter, no major party WH nominee has ever dropped out.

— Steve Kornacki (@SteveKornacki) July 2, 2024

Trump 47%, Harris 46%. 

In the same set of polls, when it was Joe Biden, 47% for Trump and 45% for Biden. 

The Democratic number on average goes up from 45 to 46. I think it underscores for Democrats, they view this move as something that's going to improve their chances in the general election. That is based more on hope than it is on the numbers right now. 

You go another level deep in this and you've got the favorable, unfavorable. The basic impression people have of these candidates here. For Joe Biden, these numbers have looked like this for a long time. Very, very bad numbers. 36% favorable, 57% unfavorable. Again, in an average of polls over the last month. 

What's the difference with Kamala Harris? Again, not much of a difference. From 36% favorable to 38%, 57% unfavorable down to 52%. That's still a majority of voters saying they have an unfavorable impression of Kamala Harris. 

Throw up Donald Trump's numbers for comparison, he's at 41% favorable, 55% unfavorable. All three of these figures with a majority of voters saying that are unfavorably impressed by them. 

So, again, from the Democratic standpoint here, they think Harris being reintroduced as a presidential candidate, getting a different look, they think these numbers can improve for her, both in the favorables and in the horse race against Trump. But we don't know. As you say, she has not really been tested. Her name never got to a primary ballot in 2020. She dropped out a couple of months before that. 

Yet, Trump has a coalition where he could have an approval rating in the 40s and still win due to how his base is distributed. Trump voters live in areas where elections are decided. It’s something that David Shor, a liberal data scientist, has mentioned, adding that the Trump coalition is very efficiently distributed geographically. Harris has the coasts and the Acela Corridor, and even they might become just as depressed as they were with Biden once Harris devolves into a cackling idiot, which is something that everyone knows, including Biden’s staff.


Vance: State Of Race Unchanged After Biden Drops Out

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) speaks during a campaign rally at the Van Andel Arena on July 20, 2024 in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Ohio GOP Senator J.D. Vance, Donald Trump’s 2024 running partner, does not believe that the presidential race has significantly changed, despite President Joe Biden dropping out. 

“I don’t think the political calculus changes at all,” Vance said in a press gaggle on Trump Force 2.

Former President Trump’s vice presidential running mate says, regardless of the nominee, he or she will represent “Biden’s America.” 

“My attitude is [that] we’re running against a record of failure for the Democratic Party,” Vance said.

Vance went on to explain that Vice President Kamala Harris is inherently tied to Biden’s record. He argued that Biden’s record is her record.

“We were running against Joe Biden’s open border,” Vance stated. “Kamala Harris was the border czar. Kamala Harris supported the Green New Scam. Kamala Harris, frankly, covered for Joe Biden, even though it was obvious he was mentally incompetent for a very long time.”

“All of the corruption,” Vance continued, “all of the bad policies are very much owned by Kamala Harris.”

Vance’s comments come one day after Biden announced he would not be seeking re-election in the 2024 presidential race. Vice President Harris has secured the endorsements of Biden, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, both Bill and Hillary Clinton, and other prominent Democrat leaders.

Harris has not only secured the majority of endorsements, but she is also quickly securing the number of delegates necessary to become the Democrat nominee as well.

However, Vance took exception to how this all played out, criticizing the Democrat Party for its process and policies.

“Voters should get to decide who the Democratic Party nominee is,” Vance said. “They’re not making that decision. This is clearly some sort of corrupt arrangement, and hopefully the voters penalize them for that fact.”

“You don’t decide who the nominee is of a major party because George Soros, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi got in a room and made that decision,” Vance continued. “You should have a nominee based on the will of the voters. And that’s what democratic voters have been deprived.”

Trump leads Harris by 1.9%, at least according to a RealClearPolitics polling average. Vance believes that if the GOP keeps the conversation on policy, they will ultimately emerge victorious.

“The way that I think about it is: if we keep this about policy and about what we want to do for the American people, it really doesn’t matter who’s at the top of the ticket,” Vance added.

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Netanyahu Visits U.S. This Week, Requests In-Person Meeting With Trump

Donald Trump and Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu participate in a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House on September 15, 2020 in Washington, DC.

Two sources aware of the situation who reached out to Politico said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Bibi) has asked to meet with former President Donald Trump face-to-face while he is in the United States this week.

Bibi will visit Washington, D.C., to meet with senators on Capitol Hill, Vice President Kamala Harris, and President Joe Biden. On Wednesday, he is also scheduled to address Congress as well.

UPDATE – 5:29 P.M. PST: Biden abruptly canceled the scheduled meeting with Bibi, claiming that he had to “focus on recovering from COVID-19,” according to separate sources who spoke with The New York Post.

Those working under Trump and Netanyahu have recently talked about the potential for in-person meetings between the two leaders, possibly in Florida. According to the sources, Trump has not explicitly rejected the idea of a meeting, but he has also not agreed to one yet.

If the meeting happens, according to one of the sources, it will most likely happen later in the week after Trump’s rally in North Carolina on Thursday.

The sources went on to say that Netanyahu could be trying to increase support from Trump for his policies in the West Bank and Gaza, as well as his battle against Hezbollah on the country’s northern border, if he is able to arrange a meeting with him this week.

Furthermore, it would present Trump with an opportunity to initiate more official correspondence with Netanyahu at a moment when Harris’s campaign is still figuring out how to deal with a prime minister who has been increasingly butting heads with the pro-Palestine Democrat establishment.

This week, officials from the United States and Israel say that they wish to advance negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all hostages who are still held captive by Hamas terrorists.

Delegations from Egypt and Qatar, together with delegations from both Israel and the U.S., were scheduled to meet in the Middle East last week until Israel notified the U.S. that it had chosen not to send a team after all.

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Monday, July 22, 2024



The Hill: Trump Holds 6-Point Lead Over Harris

Trump Holds<br class='hidem'> 6-Point Lead Over Harris

Former President Donald Trump holds a six-point lead over Vice President Kamala Harris in The Hill's latest average polling.

As of Sunday, The Hill's latest average of polls puts Harris at 36.9% and Trump at 42.6%. Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, who was also named in the poll, currently sits at 5.8%.

Notably, Harris's favorability sits at 37.7% as of Sunday, with an unfavorability rating of 55.5%.

"Her favorability nationally mirrors Biden's — it's not great," Scott Tranter, director of data science at Decision Desk HQ, said last week. "Her upside, though, is she doesn't have all the baggage Biden has, and voters are going to take a fresh look at her."

"I don't expect the polling to show that she is outright beating Trump, but she's going to have a whole campaign and a fresh start, not going to have to answer questions about whether she's mentally there to serve," he added.

Following the news of Sunday that President Joe Biden has dropped out of the race, Harris now faces an uphill battle to secure the nearly 3,800 delegates that pledged support to Biden in the primary. Biden's delegates are not bound to support Harris.

Moreover, it is unclear how the Democrat Party will go about it's nomination process. Some, who bear a close association with the Democat Party, such as Georgetown University law professor Rosa Brooks, have called for a "blitz primary," that ostensibly would be held at the exclusion of Democrat voters.

"Even if most of the other would-be hopefuls decide not to run, that doesn't mean the rest of the party will be unanimously behind [Harris]," Politico's Steven Shepard wrote Sunday. "Throughout the past few weeks, some Democrats — from elected officials to big donors — have fretted about Harris' low favorability ratings throughout her time as vice president, and there have been calls for a competitive convention instead of a fait accompli."

Those clamors for an 'open convention' continued Sunday after Biden's announcement, including from some in the highest levels of the party," Shepard added. "Former President Barack Obama's statement congratulating Biden on his retirement did not include a Harris endorsement, but rather said he had 'extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.'"

"Harris even nodded to the need to 'earn and win' the nomination in her statement — an acknowledgment that a competition, not a coronation, puts her in the best position going into the general election."

Nick Koutsobinas

Nick Koutsobinas, a Newsmax writer, has years of news reporting experience. A graduate from Missouri State University’s philosophy program, he focuses on exposing corruption and censorship.

© 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.


Frank Biden Made Stunning Admission About Joe's Health Indicating We've Been Lied To—Then It Gets Weird

Frank Biden makes shocking statement about his brother's decision to drop  out of the race that sparks fury from Joe's family | Daily Mail Online
Joe Biden’s brother leveraged his famous family name, critics say
Frank Biden

Over and over and over again, we were told by the White House that Joe Biden's health was just fine.

That he was old, he had some minor issues, but he was basically fine. 

We of course knew that wasn't true, given what we've seen day after day, watching his incoherence and confusion. But they've been selling us this fiction for months as he campaigned. 

But now Frank Biden, Joe Biden's brother, has made a concerning comment about Joe's health that's going to cause even more questions. CBS White House Correspondent Nancy Cordes reported late Sunday that Frank said that his brother's health was definitely a factor in the decision:

🚨 Biden's brother, Frank, says Biden's declining health "absolutely" played a "considerable role" in his decision to drop out of the presidential race — something the Biden administration has consistently denied.

THIS IS THE COVERUP OF THE CENTURY. pic.twitter.com/hKR3mspJp2

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 22, 2024

Frank Biden said to CBS that he was selfishly glad to have Joe Biden back for "whatever time we have left." Then, when he was asked if health factored into his brother's decision to step aside from the race, he said, "absolutely" his health played a "considerable role" in his decision. 

"Whatever time we have left" sounds ominous. Is that just a recognition that he's 81, or is that a hint of something more that we're not being told? 

Plus, wait, hasn't the White House and Biden himself been telling us he's in good health and fine to go? So you mean they have been lying to us? 

US President Joe Biden said he had taken three significant and intense neurological exams, most recently in February, and that the doctors told him that he is in 'good shape’ https://t.co/ULBK7zZhwV pic.twitter.com/QIe5A58Idh

— Reuters (@Reuters) July 12, 2024

Then if he's in such a condition, why is he not resigning? 

How long has this condition been going on that the family knew about? 

But then, if that wasn't enough, things just got weird because there was just this update with a "source" close to the family claiming Frank suffers from alcoholism and hadn't spoken to Joe recently. 

Frank Biden told @cbsnews that his brother's health, "in my humble opinion absolutely" contributed to his decision to bow out. But source close to Biden fam says “Frank Biden suffers from alcoholism and hasn’t spoken to his brother in weeks. What he said...is completely untrue.”

— Nancy Cordes (@nancycordes) July 21, 2024

“Frank Biden suffers from alcoholism and hasn’t spoken to his brother in weeks. What he said...is completely untrue.”

Wow, way to throw Frank under the bus. This is wild. 

At this point, it should be clear that one can't trust anything connected with Joe Biden or the Democrats. We have been lied to right and left about Biden.

Dana Perino Talks 'Proof of Life' on Biden Dropping Out, As New Report Raises More Speculation

Fox News' Dana Perino to debut new podcast, 'Perino on Politics,' to  examine 2024 election and beyond | Fox News

I wrote about the pressure on Joe Biden to get out of the 2024 race being the real attack on democracy here, with Democrats ignoring the votes of more than 14 million people in the primaries. 

But beyond that, there are a lot of other questions swirling around Biden's departure. 

This is a huge thing since virtually up until the very moment the announcement letter was dropped by Biden's account on X on Sunday, Joe Biden was saying he was in it to win it, and belligerently rejecting all efforts to push him aside. Then, that we don't see him and there's no picture of him signing the letter, or video of him even saying now that he's quitting is just weird and a bit concerning, particularly since there's no reason given for quitting the race in the letter. His brother Frank indicated there were questions of health. That was met by a "source" close to the family attacking Frank and claiming he was an alcoholic (so you couldn't trust what he had to say). Wow. 

READ MORE: The Elites Just Pulled off a Real Attack on Democracy

Frank Biden Made Stunning Admission About Joe's Health Indicating We've Been Lied To—Then It Gets Weird

Meanwhile, it's his White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients, not Biden, telling the Cabinet and organizing meetings, according to our sister site Townhall, citing Politico 

— Gerrit Lansing (@lansing) July 22, 2024

Biden’s post to X blindsided much of the rest of the staff at both the White House and the campaign, who had gotten no indication he was reconsidering his run. Since then, Zients has managed much of the communication across an anxious administration, holding calls Sunday afternoon with both the Cabinet and senior White House staffers. Zients is scheduled to hold an all-staff White House call on Monday morning, as well as a call with appointees across the executive branch. 

“I could not be more proud to work for President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and the American people — alongside all of you, the best White House team in history,” Zients said in an email to staff that was obtained by POLITICO. “There’s so much more to do – and as President Biden says ‘there is nothing America can’t do — when we do it together.’” 

Biden supposedly told Zients, Kamala Harris, and campaign chair Jen O'Malley Dillon, then spoke to some senior advisors just before he went public. But the fact that there was no "proof of life" when it comes to Biden on this issue had many, like Fox's Dana Perino, wondering what was going on here and talking about "Weekend at Bernie's." 

BAIER: Not physically seeing Biden - not addressing a camera in Delaware, let alone an Oval Office statement like LBJ did.

PERINO: They didn't even release a WH still photograph. Nothing. I hope he's fine, but you can forgive people for wondering if we are really living Weekend… pic.twitter.com/j549P87mIp

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) July 21, 2024

"They didn't even release a WH still photograph. Nothing. I hope he's fine, but you can forgive people for wondering if we are really living "Weekend at Bernie's" right now," she said. Perino noted that people are genuinely asking why he has withdrawn, and the lack of information on that, of course, raises additional questions. 

Now, the letter did say he would appear later this week to address the question. 

But as with everything Biden, the way he handles things is never good. This makes everything worse and gives rise to speculation. If it's because of health, then he isn't up to being in the office now, either. If it's because he thinks he's going to lose, then the elites just torched democracy and tossed the votes of over 14 million people for political expediency. 

There's no good answer here.


Wait, It Was the WH Chief of Staff Who Informed the Cabinet of Biden's Decision to Quit, Not Joe?

Biden picks Zients as his next White House chief of staff - WSVN 7News |  Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale

Joe Biden’s presidency is over. The old man can’t hack it, announcing earlier this afternoon that he’s exiting the race, endorsing Kamala Harris, his vice president, and finishing the rest of his term in isolation. But where is the president? A tweet of his ‘I quit’ letter was released, which did not sit well with many folks, and then nothing. We’re left to speculate what is going on with Joe Biden, and none of it is good. 

Frank Biden came forward to say that his brother’s health definitely played a role in his decision to exit the race, only for someone close to this trainwreck of a family to say we shouldn’t believe anything he says because he’s a drunk: 

Lyndon Baines Johnson addressed the nation live when he announced he wasn’t running for re-election in 1968, another year when the Democratic Party fractured. 

“They didn't even release a White House still photograph,” added Dana Perino “Nothing. I hope he's fine, but you can forgive people for wondering if we are really living Weekend at Bernie's right now. Like, proof of life, please,” she added. 

There’s more intrigue when we learn that it was White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients who informed the cabinet of Biden’s decision to drop out, not the president (via Politico): 

Biden’s post to X blindsided much of the rest of the staff at both the White House and the campaign, who had gotten no indication he was reconsidering his run. Since then, Zients has managed much of the communication across an anxious administration, holding calls Sunday afternoon with both the Cabinet and senior White House staffers. Zients is scheduled to hold an all-staff White House call on Monday morning, as well as a call with appointees across the executive branch. 

“I could not be more proud to work for President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and the American people — alongside all of you, the best White House team in history,” Zients said in an email to staff that was obtained by POLITICO. “There’s so much more to do – and as President Biden says ‘there is nothing America can’t do — when we do it together.’” 

Is Joe okay? Also, who is running the country? It circles back to the articles about those who came forward from inside the West Wing regarding the confusion that began to engulf the White House. Is it the inner circle that's formed a "cocoon" around Biden?

So, uh, who’s actually president right now? Because it’s clearly not Biden.

If this nonsense happened in any other country, the U.S. would be calling it a coup, denouncing it in the strongest terms, and sending an international monitors to determine what’s happening. https://t.co/y2N1Hrc8oN

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) July 22, 2024

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