Sunday, July 7, 2013

Obamacare Rule to Verify Income Levels Is Scrapped

Image: Obamacare Rule to Verify Income Levels Is ScrappedThe Obama administration has scaled back another of its key healthcare rules, delaying a requirement that verifies the income levels of those seeking taxpayer subsidies until after the 2014 midterm elections.

Instead, the new insurance marketplaces operated by states and the District of Columbia will take the consumer's word that they qualify for the subsidies, The Washington Post reported.

Editor's Note: Should ObamaCare Be Repealed? Vote in Urgent National Poll

The announcement came on Friday without fanfare with the Department of Health and Human Services publishing the notification in the Federal Register.

Verification plans for the taxpayer subsidies won't go into effect until 2015 for those earning about $45,000 to purchase health insurance, or earning $15,000 to qualify for Medicaid in the District and 23 participating states.

The move comes days after another Obamacare snag was announced on Wednesday when the administration delayed until 2015 the employer mandate that required businesses with more than 50 full-time workers to pay stiff fines for failing to providing insurance.

"As crunch time is coming, they're just muddling through and figuring out short cuts," said Ian Spatz, a senior adviser at Manatt Health Solutions, told The Post. "It might not be elegant, but this is how they're trying to make the law work."

Timothy Jost, a law professor at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Va., and a consumer advocate, said it's not unprecedented for the government to use the honor system, and compared it to reporting cash tips to the Internal Revenue Service.

"An awful lot of the economy is a cash economy,” Jost said. "If we had to verify every statement that was made to the IRS, our economy would collapse."

The announcement on Friday -- at the end of the Fourth of July holiday – is a recurring tactic for the Obama administration to deliver information likely to be criticized by Republicans or the media.

Friday nights often became the preferred timeline for massive document dumps when Congress was investigating the Justice Department for the "Fast and Furious" scandal, Politico reported.

Editor's Note: Should ObamaCare Be Repealed? Vote in Urgent National Poll

Thursday, July 4, 2013

A letter to America. We will never neglect you again.

My Dearest America,
I write to you today with great remorse but also unrelenting pride. Remorse, because of what we have allowed to befall you. Pride, because I know we as proud citizens will correct that which has allowed this.
Your magnificent splendor has awed us as no other nation in the world. From your snow-capped mountains to your fertile plains, you have been unselfish in giving of your bounty. From one grand ocean to another your beauty has been captivating and inspiring. Your unassuming nature has been humbling.
On that fateful fourth day of July 237 years ago, you were born under the proud and watchful gaze of 56 men who put Country before self. With their signatures they bestowed upon not only us, but the entire world, one of the most beautiful documents ever written on a single parchment. The Declaration of Independence stands alone as the direction of the free world.
From your infancy you struggled. As you grew you carried the burden of that freedom on your shoulders as no nation before or since, yet you never faltered or complained. A little more than 8 years later your burden was eased when 55 men once again joined to create the most revered Constitution in history. On a mere four pages they created the Supreme Law under which we have lived freely since.
A list of Rights was subsequently added and accepted not from men or Kings, but from our Creator. Embracing freedom you have proudly declared, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”, to any and all people of the world.
Your Founding Fathers were common men of simple and honorable means. Their purpose was not fame or notoriety, they knew not what the future held for you, rather it was to forge the direction so needed back then. They did not wish you to be an egalitarian state nor did they want an all powerful government from which they initially fled. They were reverent yet not assuming, they were humble yet confident, they were the truest of Patriots.
They opposed, with dedication and strength, the pretended authority of intrusive government and accepted with trust the Creators guidance. All the while they defined and affirmed the legal basis of State Sovereignty.
These men bravely and honorably accepted their challenge and many made ultimate sacrifices during wars and revolution in order to preserve their beliefs for your legality.
Created as a Federal Constitutional Republic did not, however, prevent many from conspiring tyranny against you. Against many odds and obstacles you have survived. We now find ourselves at the doorstep of a “fundamental transformation” of your sovereignty. An attempt at socializing your justice and dissecting your individualism into a collective that breeches your very foundation is being deviously attempted.
 We The People have neglected our responsibility to preserve your unselfishness of Liberty, Justice and Freedom. We held these truths to be self evident yet we allowed them to be corrupted by the very people we honored with our most powerful weapon, our vote.
We have shown that mankind is more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right ourselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. This is our tragedy and our shame. We have, over the course of many decades, allowed ourselves to become preoccupied with our own needs rather than preserving yours. We have become selfish, as you stood proudly against Despotism for centuries, and have allowed your freedom to be challenged. For this we beg your and God’s forgiveness.
We have realized the error of our ways. We realize now that those that we favored with preserving our Rights have been deviant in their intentions and advantageous in their benefit against our wishes. Our preoccupation of attaining your greatest gift to us, the ”American Dream”, has created a horrible disconnect with our true duty, the securing of your most important merits of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
We now prostrate ourselves before you and humbly deliver that we will never allow ourselves to neglect our solemn duty to you again. We have declared a movement, a revolution if you would, to once again restore you to your rightful and proper place as “The Shining City On The Hill”. A Nation that is not to be envied, but rather to be looked upon and replicated on other lands. Replicated because we have accepted it as the way every man, woman and child was intended to live, as free people, as directed by our Creator, not men.
We solemnly offer that we will return to the intended regard of social, moral and spiritual beliefs that created your magnificence. We will wrap these beliefs around our core values of Constitutionally limited government, fiscal responsibility and free market principles.
We understand these were, are and will be guaranteed not just to us but to our progeny as our Founders and ancestors demanded. We accept that many have suffered the ultimate sacrifice to maintain your freedom, we shall never allow that to be dismissed from your history and legacy. We promise to never again assume the power of our vote, but rather to cherish it as our Patriotic duty to restore our government to its intended purpose.
America, we will never neglect you again. Your exceptional place in the world must be maintained and we humbly submit our dedication to that cause.
We will not disappoint.
We will not falter.
You will survive.
God Bless You and all that you stand for.

Patriotically Yours,

We The People of the United States of America

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Key Obamacare Mandate Delayed; GOP Renews Call for Repeal

The Obama administration’s move to delay until 2015 a requirement that employers offer health insurance or else face stiff penalties is yet another indication that the embattled law is a failure and should be repealed, Republicans and conservatives said on Tuesday.

"The president's healthcare law is already raising costs and costing jobs,” House Speaker John Boehner said. “This announcement means even the Obama administration knows the ‘train wreck’ will only get worse.

Obamacare: Massive New Rules Revealed for 2013

“I hope the administration recognizes the need to release American families from the mandates of this law as well,” the Ohio Republican said. “This is a clear acknowledgment that the law is unworkable, and it underscores the need to repeal the law and replace it with effective, patient-centered reforms."

“Obamacare costs too much and it isn't working the way the administration promised,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. “The White House seems to slowly be admitting what Americans already know: Obamacare needs to be repealed and replaced with common-sense reforms that actually lowers costs for Americans."

And Barney Keller, spokesman for the Club for Growth, called the delay “a transparently political ploy to help the Democrats who voted for it avoid the consequences at the ballot box in 2014. This just helps make the case that Obamacare should be completely repealed — period, exclamation point.”

On Tuesday, the White House made its most significant concession on the healthcare law since President Barack Obama signed it in 2010, delaying the requirement that medium and large companies provide coverage for their workers or face heavy fines.

The law requires companies with 50 or more workers to provide affordable coverage to their full-time employees or risk escalating tax penalties if just one worker ends up getting government-subsidized insurance.

Companies would have had to pay the Internal Revenue Service $2,000 for each full-time employee who did not get health coverage, beginning Jan. 1, when the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was scheduled to take full effect.

Business groups have complained that the provision was too complicated.

"We have heard concerns about the complexity of the requirements and the need for more time to implement them effectively," Treasury Assistant Secretary Mark Mazur said in a blog post. "We have listened to your feedback and we are taking action."

Senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett cast the decision as part of an effort to simplify Obamacare’s data-reporting requirements.

Since enforcing the coverage mandate is dependent on businesses reporting about their workers' access to insurance, the administration moved to postpone the reporting requirement, and with it, the mandate to provide coverage, Jarrett said.

More broadly, however, the decision undercuts Republican efforts to make Obamacare and its costs a major issue in the 2014 congressional races.

Democrats are defending 21 Senate seats to the Republicans’ 14, and the GOP had already started to excoriate Senate Democrats who had voted for the health law.

“A delay — conveniently past the 2014 election — only adds to the uncertainty these job-creators face because of Obamacare," said Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch, the ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee. “The only reasonable recourse is to fully repeal this law.”

Tuesday’s decision underscores yet another problem facing the troubled healthcare law.

Obamacare: Massive New Rules Revealed for 2013

Just last week, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that religious-affiliated, nonprofit institutions must provide insurance coverage for their employees for birth control under Obamacare. The decision ensured more legal challenges to the rule in the future.

In fact, Sebelius herself has been under fire for soliciting donations on behalf of Enroll America, the group made up of Obama campaign loyalists seeking to promote the healthcare law.

Related: NFL Contradicts Sebelius on Help to Promote Obamacare

The IRS, which is charged with implementing Obamacare, remains under fire for widespread mismanagement and for the targeting of tea party, conservative, and religious groups in evaluating their applications for tax-exempt status.

And the American Action Forum, a Washington advocacy group, said that Obamacare had so far cost a total of $30.8 billion and 111.4 million hours for completing paperwork alone.

The group said 55,742 employees — working 2,000 hours per year — would be needed to process all the red tape associated with Obamacare.

While the employer mandate was delayed with Tuesday’s announcement, the individual mandate — which requires individuals to obtain health insurance — presumably remains on schedule for 2014.

The individual mandate was challenged — and the U.S. Supreme Court ruled last year that the healthcare law was constitutional since the penalty would be collected by the IRS and amounted to a tax.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration also still plans to open up a new marketplace for government-regulated insurance plans on Oct. 1, to take effect on Jan. 1. And a sprawling set of subsidies would also remain in place.

The delay of the employer mandate, though, raises questions about whether more elements of the law might be delayed in the coming months.

Even though Tuesday’s announcement came at the beginning of the Fourth of July week when Congress was on vacation, GOP legislators and conservative groups responded strongly to the decision.

“Obamacare's expense is killing jobs and is too great for businesses to handle,” said Rep. Bill Cassidy, who is a physician in Louisiana. “This delay in implementing the employer mandate acknowledges this while encouraging employers to drop insurance coverage for their employees. Taxpayers will pay more and deficits will increase.

“We must replace Obamacare with patient-centered reforms that expand healthcare access without destroying jobs,” Cassidy said.

Another physician, Georgia Rep. Tom Price, called Obamacare “too overreaching, too intrusive, too unworkable and too destructive to the American people.

“If they can't manage to enforce their own law after three years of preparation, what does this say about their ability to actually deliver health care?” Price asked.

“The employer mandate will destroy jobs, regardless of when it's implemented,” said Rep. John Kline of Minnesota, the chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee. “If anything, this decision exacerbates the confusion and uncertainty employers face.

“Jobs are already being lost and workers' hours slashed because of the president's healthcare law,” Kline added. “No amount of bureaucratic tinkering can ease the pain Obamacare is inflicting on our nation's workplaces.

“America's workers, families, and job-creators deserve permanent relief from Obamacare — not a one-year reprieve.”

And Tim Phillips, president of Americans for Prosperity, told Newsmax: “It is increasingly obvious that the Obama Administration is nowhere near ready to deal with the countless negative consequences their own law creates.

“The delay amounts to an admission that forcing small businesses to comply with more onerous regulations only hurts jobs and slows the economy.”

Monday, July 1, 2013

Devouring Paula Deen

Timothy Birdnow

The big "people" story of the news cycle is the firing of Paula "hiw wife could eat no lean" Deen, former doyen of the Food Network. Deen was fired ostensibly for making racial slurs in the past. I think the Paula Deen, the queen of non-lean, was really sacked because of racial profiling and her steadfast refusal to promote the modern Progressive diet.
First let us look at Deen herself (I might add I have never seen her except in the few photographs the media has run in response to this controversy, and I have never seen her show.)  An old white woman from the deep South, Deen is known as a devout Baptist - something guaranteed to raise liberal hackles. She is also unapologetic about her Georgian roots. To liberals, that means she is de-facto a foul person.

And she cooks with salt, sugar, and fat, lots of it, in the old Southern tradition.

This caused a major controversy when she admitted she was a diabetic.

Deen then monetized her diabetes, becoming a paid spokeswoman for Novo Nordisk, a Danish pharmaceutical firm that makes diabetes medicine. Deen continued to make her signiature dishes, which enraged the food Nazis.

Michelle Obama has made changing the American diet her signature issue, but this sort of thing has been going on for a long time. The Left has always hated the American diet because it illustrates our wealth and privilege, and because they want an international diet that all people will be forced to consume. See, what the Left is trying to do is weaken sectional cultures - particularly America's - and create a new world culture to bond the public to a sense of world citizenship. That is part of why they are so vigorous in promoting amnesty for illegal aliens; they want an internationalizing of America's culture. A big part of culture is cuisine.

I wrote about this a number of years ago at American Thinker.

The venom against Mrs. Deen by the Left is proof-positive she is upsetting their carefully laid plans; when they all jump on board with a hate campaign against someone it is because that person is a threat to them. Paula Deen probably can't understand this; she doesn't know what she has done wrong. But it is because Mooch Obama has been moving ahead with plans to restrict America's diet (as Nanny Bloomberg has already done in New York City) and Deen's popularity and antiquated cooking style pose a direct challenge to their plans.

But they couldn't bring her down over the diabetes, nor over her success at making money off of it, so they had to find a plan B.

Now, Paula Deen is from the old South, where the N word was not abbreviated nor was it necessarily considered a pejorative. (In point of fact, blacks today call themselves that, and if anyone remembers Trayvon Martin called himself the "no limits N***er").  Had Deen NOT used that word on occasion she would have been quite odd, just as someone who calls doesn't call them "illegal immigrants" but invaders is odd today. After all, the word means dark, hardly a pejorative. It has become taboo as a direct result of the labors of the Progressives during the '70's. That she should slip up and use such a word is not surprising given her early life.

But you cannot violate a liberal taboo. The Left has made the foulest of sexual language acceptable up to and including calling someone a female parent copulator, and the most vile of profanity is considered merely colorful invective.

Change the language and you change the culture. The Left has successfully done just that. What was a racial description that some found offensive is now taboo, while what were taboo words reserved for sailors and prostitutes is now mainstream. Please notice; the coarsening of sexual language fits with the liberal free love/sexual revolution movement. To get people to accept any and all sex, public and private, they have removed the taboo of sexual language. But they have added a taboo; terms such as "queer" or "faggot" have now become taboo (unless you are Alec Baldwin).

The liberal sense of freedom is reserved for what they themselves seek to promote.

And so this older white woman handed them the tool to promote her destruction.

But why should that be? What she has done is certainly far less egregious than, say, the anal raping of a little girl, yet many on the Left pushed for amnesty for Roman Polanski, who did precisely that. So it is o.k. to rape a little girl but not say "n***er"?  They offer forgiveness for a degenerate like Polanski but not for a God-fearing woman?

This goes back to Saul Alinski rule number 4 "make your enemies live up to their own rulebook". Paul Deen didn't KNOW she was their enemy, but she has been mugged just the same, because she is a professing christian who may have fallen short. Not Polanski short, but short enough that the Left could crush her.

Consider the foul things that so many liberals have done and the Progressives have excused. Bill Clinton has been credibly accused of rape, and certainly used his authority to compel women to sexual favors. He also committed perjury and obstructed justice. No big deal!  Nothing to see here!  Consider Anthony Weiner, who is running for elective office in New York yet again and will probably win. Consider Barney Frank's live-in lover was running a house of ill-repute out of his home; no big deal!  Consider Al Sharpton, who has done all manner of evil things including his promotion of the Tawana Brawley lie and his part in numerous shakedowns and in stirring up violence in the black community; he is rewarded with his own television show. The list goes on and on.

Yet Paula Deen must be destroyed.

It’s all about Barack Obama’s promise of fundamental change; what we eat, how we live, who we idolize, how we speak, how we think - all must be fundamentally altered if we are to create the New Man, one fit for our socialist utopia.

The double standard is stark. When Barack Obama needs to get out the black vote his people find an obscure non-case involving a "white hispanic" shooting a "no limits N***er" after nearly getting his hand smashed in, and they run the poor man through a farcical trial. George Zimmerman will never be free of this incident, yet he clearly was the victim here, the victim of a thug who hated white people and enjoyed fighting "MMA style". But Zimmerman had a political role to play, and so was sacrificed on the alter of Obama. The same is true of Paula Deen, who stands in the way of Mrs. Obama's personal deification.

This is indicative of the Progressive mindset. They do not believe in God, or at least not in a God as we have traditionally understood Him. People are widgets, like the part of a car, and if they are inconvenient or defective they are simply tossed aside. It is a particularly materialistic view of individuals. Leftism begets the worst sort of Macchiavellianism, because ends justify means. Paula Deen unwittingly stepped into the lion's den, and is now being devoured.

That is our future, folks, should we not stop the relentless advance of the Left.

Read more from Tim and friends at

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Five Things You May Not Know About Obamacare

The health insurance marketplace – particularly for individuals – will look markedly different after Jan. 1, 2014, when key provisions of Obamacare will take effect. With such a complex piece of legislation, there are myriad unknowns, and the government is trying to get the word out before Oct. 1, when consumers can begin shopping for coverage on state- and federally run exchanges. The Obama administration on Monday launched a helpline and revamped its site. The NFL and the NBA have reportedly been approached by the administration to help pitch health insurance to the young and uninsured, and advocacy groups are working to educate consumers on their options in 2014.

There’s no way to tell now how well reform will work, but there are some trends – both positive and negative – we’re seeing already and expect to see when the law’s remaining provisions roll out.
1. Young, healthy adults won’t buy coverage
The Obama administration aims to enroll at least 2.7 million young adults – a group that’s historically been uninsured at higher rates than other age groups – through the exchanges for coverage in 2014. But there are indications that 20-somethings won’t be buying in and will instead opt to pay the penalty. (The penalty is $95 per person for 2014 or 1% of yearly income, whichever is higher. In 2016 it increases to 2.5% of income or $695.) Bailey comment: you will be paying this amount for the lazy non working people to get free insurance.
An ADP Research Institute report published this week found that, while health benefits eligibility declined slightly in every age group since 2010, younger workers faced the largest decrease (which may indicate their jobs were less likely to offer benefits). But the report also found that, even when employees under 30 were offered benefits, only half participated in their employer’s health program in 2013, a figure partly explained by the provision that allows those up to age 26 to get coverage through a parent’s plan.
Another potential hurdle: young adults’ increased use of retail health clinics. According to a Rand study that examined more than 1.3 million retail clinic visits, young adults (ages 18-44) accounted for 43% of retail clinic patients, compared to only 23% of patients who visit primary care physicians. Patients are also less likely to have a personal doctor or to pay for care with health insurance, the study found.
2. Uptick in early retirement
With health costs in retirement topping $200,000, according to some estimates, many Americans find they have to keep working just for the employer-sponsored insurance (workers can’t sign up for Medicare until age 65). According to a January report from the Employee Benefits Research Institute, 19% of retirees said they had worked longer than they would’ve liked to in order to continue receiving employer-sponsored insurance.
Currently, if you’re between 55 and 64 and you decide to retire, you have to buy insurance on your own. And right now in 45 states, you could be denied coverage based on your health status, says Jean Abraham, associate professor at the University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), consumers can’t be denied coverage if they have a pre-existing condition. They also can’t be charged more: If you’re in a particular age bracket – say, 60 to 64 – your premiums cannot vary by more than a certain amount from those charged to the youngest adults, says Abraham. In other words, high health costs won’t be a factor in keeping older workers tied to their desks when they’d otherwise retire.
3. Some people won’t find their current plans on exchanges
Beginning in 2014 insurance sold to individuals and small businesses on an exchange must be at one of four “actuarial value levels”: 60% (bronze plan), 70% (sliver), 80% (gold) and 90% (platinum). This means, for example, the bronze plan covers 60% of medical expenses. The higher the actuarial value, the lower the out-of-pocket costs and higher premiums paid by the consumer. So platinum plans would have the highest monthly premiums and lowest out-of-pocket costs, but the plan will pay more of the costs if you need a lot of medical care.
Most employer-sponsored plans sit in the 80% range of actuarial value, while in most states you can now find plans with a 50% actuarial value – below Obamacare’s minimum, Abraham says. Those plans won’t be available on the exchanges in 2014, and for some, “there will be higher premiums because they’re getting more coverage... It will force them to modify their choices,” she says.
4. Better hospital food
Banana-nut pancakes and rack of lamb for your hospital stay, courtesy of Obamacare? A Kaiser Health News and USA Today report this week found that hospital administrators are paying more attention to food service in an effort to boost patient satisfaction ratings. Under the ACA, since last year Medicare began paying hospitals based partly on their these ratings, essentially tying patients’ assessments on everything from room tidiness to nurse availability to payments. Medicare has been publishing patient-satisfaction scores on its Hospital Compare website since 2008, but hasn’t used them to adjust payments.
One patient at Rex Hospital in Raleigh, N.C., cited in Kaiser’s report raved, “The food is amazing,” while about 84% of Rex patients surveyed said they’d recommend the hospital, compared to 71% nationally, the Kaiser report said. While Medicare's surveys don’t ask specifically about food, Rex administrators attributed their better-than-average satisfaction rates to improved food.
5. Surprise tax bills
A key ACA provision provides tax credits to low- and middle-income consumers to help them purchase coverage on the exchanges. The subsidies are available to those with incomes of up to four times the federal poverty level – which this year is $45,960 for an individual or $94,200 for a family of four. The lower your income, the bigger the subsidy. A potential snag is that eligibility for a subsidy can change year to year if your income fluctuates.
Consumers must estimate their 2014 income this fall when they sign up for coverage; the exchange will look at your most recently filed tax return (2012 for most people) as one sign of what your earnings may be in 2014, says Karen Pollitz, senior fellow at the Kaiser Family Foundation.
If you or your spouse gets a raise and your family income jumps in 2014, you could end up with a bigger subsidy than you’re entitled to. If that happens, the law says you have to pay back at least part of the money when you file your tax return in the spring of 2015. If your circumstances change midyear – say, you get a new job – you can go back to the exchange and correct your information and adjust your subsidy accordingly. Says Pollitz, “A big part of the trick will be how well people are counseled about all of this, and how well they remember [or are reminded] to come back to the exchange to report midyear changes that affect their subsidy entitlement."

NFL bucks call to promote ObamaCare, as Republicans pressure sports leagues to say no

The National Football League appears to be bucking the Obama administration's request to help promote the health care overhaul, as Republican lawmakers pressure all the major sports leagues not to get involved in the effort.
In a statement obtained by Fox News, an NFL spokesman said the league has "no plans to engage in this area and (has) had no substantive contact with the administration" about the implementation.
Earlier in the week, Health and Human Services Department officials said they were talking to the NFL, NBA and others about possible advertising campaigns, in the run-up to the launch of a key part of the health care law.
But Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, on Friday wrote to the heads of six professional sports organizations urging them not to take the bait.
"Given the divisiveness and persistent unpopularity of the (health care law), it is difficult to understand why an organization like yours would risk damaging its inclusive and apolitical brand by lending its name to its promotion," they wrote.
The senators suggested the administration was reaching out to them because the law is so "unpopular."
The NFL's statement late Friday was in response to lawmakers' concerns.
The letters were sent to the heads of the NFL, Major League Baseball, National Basketball Association, National Hockey League, Professional Golf Association and NASCAR.
Republicans, who have been largely opposed to the law ever since they tried to kill the legislation back in 2009 and 2010, have in recent months tried to rein in the administration's promotional efforts.
Several GOP lawmakers want investigations into HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius' effort to solicit support from private groups for a non-profit that is promoting the law.
Some of the biggest elements of the health care law are expected to take effect by early 2014. This fall, enrollment begins for a new marketplace -- called exchanges -- of government-regulated insurance plans. The requirement that nearly everyone buy health insurance kicks in at the beginning of 2014.
Despite the controversy over the possibility of the government partnering with sports leagues, this wouldn't be the first occasion the two have linked up.
The military has long engaged in sponsorships with NASCAR, though that relationship encountered hurdles in this age of fiscal austerity. The Army recently decided to drop its sponsorship, though the Air Force did not follow suit.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Wow is this another non n word!

Creepy-Ass Crackers

Is it really worth that much to you?

Twenty-two of President Barack Obama's top advisers make the White House salary of $172,200 per year. Do the math, that's  $3,788,400 a year that you the taxpayer has to hand over to these crooks in Washington. Yes this is how much you pay these so called public servants that are screwing up your lives and this country. But that's small change compared to the total White House pay roll, after all there's a total of 460 public servants that work there. If you want to see exactly what you are paying to have the employees boss the boss (you), go to website below.

Friday, June 28, 2013

A Message From Obama to America: I’ll Do What I Want; Deal with it
President Obama does not care what you think. Whenever he is confronted with evidence of wrongdoing or inappropriate behavior, his answer is most often to shrug it off and hope that Americans just deal with it.
The man who once promised all things positive- hope, change, prosperity, transparency- now promises that he will do whatever he wishes and it is up to us to learn to deal with it.
I am not privileged to the White House meetings. I cannot say that his “America can deal with it” policy is, in fact, an official policy. But whether or not his arrogance is an official policy, the fact remains that Obama has made it entirely clear that he intends to rule as he sees fit and is generally uninterested in how he is viewed by the majority of Americans.
Case in point:
Americans are still trying to figure out what happened in Benghazi. The same government that can monitor our phone usage and collect and store our data to paint a picture of the electronic activities of millions of Americans cannot come to a firm consensus of what the White House as doing during the hours-long attack on our consulate in Benghazi. Though there are glaringly obvious inconsistencies in the ever-changing narrative pushed by the government, the standard response by the Obama Administration has been, “That’s our story and we’re sticking to it.”
Then, as a firm and unfriendly message to America who demands accountability, Obama appointed Susan Rice to a national security adviser position. Rice was instrumental in the cover-up of the Benghazi scandal and pushed a knowingly false narrative about the attack in the aftermath.
The message sent from President Obama to the rest of us peasants was clear: Deal with it.
Now, at a time when Americans everywhere have to tighten their belts and make ends meet, President Obama and his family are off on another fabulous taxpayer-funded vacation to Africa. Though he alleges it’s an official trip, the Obamas are spending $100 million of taxpayer money to tour Africa.
We can’t keep the White House open for field trips because America is so broke, but $100 million can be spent to go to Africa.
After receiving a fair amount of criticism for this outlandish expenditure, Obama doubled-down and told America what they could do with their outrage by bringing along the extended family.
Yes, President Obama is bringing along not only his wife and kids, but his mother-in-law and his niece.
Obama could not care less what Americans have to say about his actions or his policies. Like King Louis XVI before him, he clearly believes he is above the criticisms of the people and he has worked very hard to make sure we know it.

(IBD) Billionaire Obama Donor Set To Profit From Keystone XL Demise if oil goes to China

Energy Policy: A billionaire hedge fund manager and Barack Obama donor is pushing the president to stop the pipeline that would compete with one he's invested in. That pipeline could send Canadian oil to China.

Environmental activist Tom Steyer donated as much as he could to get Massachusetts Rep. Ed Markey elected to the Senate in the recent special election to fill the seat vacated by now-Secretary of State John Kerry. He wanted another senator who's opposed to completing the Keystone XL pipeline that he says would be an environmental plague on the planet.
A few days before President Obama said that Keystone XL would be built only if it could be shown to have no net effect on greenhouse gas emissions, Steyer, a major contributor to Obama's campaigns, urged the president to kill the project.
"We really cannot afford 40 to 50 years of development of a humongous oil reserve that's twice as bad — soup to nuts — as normal crude," Steyer told a gathering at the National Press Club, referring to Canada's extraction of crude from its oil sands in Alberta.
Steyer has mounted an extensive campaign to kill Keystone, yet he owes his personal fortune to a lifetime of investments in oil, gas and pipeline companies. He stands to reap another financial reward through the extensive investments his hedge fund, Farallon Capital Management, has made over the last 27 years in fossil fuel companies. These include holdings that could benefit from the blocking of the Keystone pipeline.
Farallon has made millions for its investors, and left Steyer with a net worth estimated by Forbes at $1.4 billion. One of Farallon's biggest holdings is in U.S. pipeline company Kinder Morgan, which has plans to expand a major competitor to Keystone — the TransMountain pipeline.
Steyer has also lobbied against Northern Gateway, which would carry oil from Edmonton to Kitimat, British Columbia, on Canada's west coast. Curiously, he is not opposed to TransMountain, which Kinder Morgan has sought approval to expand.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

New TTP HeaderDear Patriot,

How does it feel to be ignored? Not only do we have a far left, Marxist president who targets his political opposition with an intent of either silencing them, destroying them, or both, but we also have a Congress who demonstrated yesterday that they put rights granted by them to illegal immigrants over rights granted by the Constitution to American citizens. It is obvious that we MUST continue to fight stronger, harder, and smarter against these tone deaf politicians. But, we cannot do it without your help.
The Senate voted yesterday to move the amnesty granting immigration bill forward. Yesterday's vote cut off debate for the 1,200 page Corker-Hoeven Amendment that was written on Friday and that was not read. Dirty Harry Reid will likely not allow debate on the bill itself and force a vote on Thursday or Friday. This was not the end. It CANNOT be.  This amendment will be even more of a threat to America and her rightful citizens than the Gang of Eight bill was. If you believe that rewarding lawbreakers with special treatment and privileges is NOT acceptable, then help us fight this madness!

Gang of 8

Did you know that there are provisions in this bill that rewards employers for firing American citizens and hiring in their place amnestied immigrants? Did you know that this amendment would allow immigrants to break the law in regards to their visa and still be eligible for citizenship? Did you know that it this Corker-Hoeven Amendment even has taxpayer funded cars, motorcycles, scooters, etc for youth? That's right, during a time when Americans all over the country are trying to make ends meet while anticipating rising insurance costs due to ObamaCare, they will also be forced to provide cars for other people. UNBELIEVABLE!
We cannot take our eyes off of the threat of this amnesty bill. Please stay tuned to our emails. Keep up with the latest on our Facebook page, and follow us on Twitter for up to the date info.
Fighting tyranny is not easy, nor is it inexpensive. But, it is necessary and we will not give up on liberty in America. Please help us continue this fight with whatever donation you can afford.

All of us at

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Letter From Arizona Governor

Dear Friends,
Since Arizona is the main recipient of the problems of illegal immigration, let me be clear. My citizens demand a secure border and I demand a secure border. It's as simple as that.
I understand there is anticipation for me to take a position either endorsing or opposing the "Gang of Eight" immigration reform bill. I have not endorsed or opposed the bill because I know it remains a work in progress. I have faith that House Republicans will improve the bill by making securing our border the top priority.
Recent additions to the Senate plan are encouraging. For example, I have long advocated for additional Border Patrol agents, completion of the border fence and further use of unmanned aircraft and other technology, as well as workplace enforcement. However, supporting these provisions does not equate to an endorsement of the overall legislation. There are still too many unknowns. Specifically, Congress must require that the border-security provisions are mandated on the front end rather than forgotten on the back end.
Our nation's immigration system is broken and has been for decades. Congress must get it right this time. America cannot again repeat the failure of the 1986 immigration reform. The federal government must begin keeping its promises when it comes to border security.
We've been down this path before, and the federal government has failed to keep its promises - whether in 1986 or as recently as 2006, when the federal government promised to build a border fence and then failed to fund it. We need assurances of a secured border that is fully funded. Also, the federal government needs to do its job and allow States to work in partnership - through the existing 287g program - to address illegal immigration.
I know there is skepticism regarding this latest attempt by Congress to fix our immigration system. The federal government has a multi-decade record of failure on immigration and has passed along the costs to states like Arizona. The Obama administration, especially, does not instill faith among conservatives like myself. However, conservatives must remain in the conversation to ensure that the security provisions are as strong as possible. We cannot address our priorities if we walk away from the debate.
Thank you for your time.

Monday, June 24, 2013

From Whistleblower to traitor

When Edward Snowden burst on the scene two weeks, many hailed him for being willing to shed light on the Obama Regime’s spying on American citizens.  As Snowden revealed details of an American leadership mad on power, many conservatives cheered him.
Now Snowden has gone from being a whistleblower to being a traitor.

Why is Edward Snowden a traitor?

From the New York Times:

A Russian law enforcement official quoted anonymously by Interfax said that the Russian authorities had taken unusual measures to protect Mr. Snowden. “This was done so that nothing threatened Edward Snowden, so that he could spend the night calmly in a capsule hotel and fly to Russia without problems,” the official was quoted as saying.

Mr. Snowden is reportedly carrying four laptop computers with American intelligence documents that he downloaded to a thumb drive this spring while working in Hawaii for the National Security Agency as an employee of Booz Allen Hamilton. The Guardian newspaper of Britain disclosed a week ago that Mr. Snowden had provided the newspaper with documents showing that during a conference in London in 2009, the United States was able to access the communications of Dmitri A..., then the Russian president and now the prime minister. That disclosure will almost certainly cause Russia to review its codes and other procedures for top leaders.
Dmitri V. Trenin, director of the Carnegie Moscow Center, said he considered it likely that Mr. Snowden would remain in Russia, a country that is increasingly positioning itself as a protector of people like Mr. Assange, whom Western governments wish to prosecute.
“I don’t think there is any other country that would stand up to U.S. pressure, which will be tremendous,” Mr. Trenin said. “The Chinese don’t want to spoil their relationship with the United States. Russia is sometimes embracing conflict with the U.S.”
He noted that Russia Today, the state-financed English-language cable news channel, has become a platform for figures like Mr. Assange, who are unlikely to appear through mainstream Western news outlets.
 It is one thing to blow the whistle on the unlawful spying on Americans by the government.  It is quite another to share American intelligence with foreign nations that may have hostile intent towards America.

There is a point where we might have been able to thank Snowden for doing something to help America.

It now appears that his blowing the whistle on the NSA domestic spying program was only a pretense so he could sell American secrets to the highest bidder.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Q: Should US accept Taliban offer to free Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in exchange for Guantanamo prisoners?
20%Yes, let’s bring our man home
74%No, America should never negotiate with terrorists

6%I’m not sure

IRS versus Border Patrol

I will pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today.

Bravo Senator Cruz!
The classic quotation from the old Popeye the Sailorman cartoon series is the perfect analogy for our immigration policies.  This phony baloney amnesty program that liberal Senators, from both parties, are trying to pass, is like every previous amnesty that promised enforcement but gave us only amnesty for millions, including all sorts of scary people who could never pass a legitimate background check .
If you honestly trust the pro-amnesty, pro-open borders, Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate to suddenly reverse decades of pandering to the illegal alien community, then I have a wonderful, if slightly used, Brooklyn Bridge that I can offer you at a great price!
Do they really think the American people are this stupid?  Are we this stupid?  Perhaps, we are because we keep electing these same worthless scoundrels year after year, don’t we?
Right now, there are one thousands and seventy-five (1075) pages in the immigration bill.  No Senator has read it, nor will they.  And no Senator has any idea what’s in it, including the Gang of Eight who claim authorship.  The size of the bill is a dead giveaway that this legislation was fattened to bury all sorts of really bad details inside.
Kind of reminds me of that classic quote from former Speaker Pelosi when she said, “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.”  That, as you may recall, is how we got ObamaCare.

Every time, I repeat, every time the Congress has put amnesty first with a promise of stricter enforcement later, it NEVER HAPPENS!
Even after 9/11, when the entire nation was screaming “Close the damned borders!”  IT NEVER HAPPENED!
Every time they budget funds to finish building the fence, or hire more border agents, or put drones in the sky, or erect electronic listening devices, IT NEVER HAPPENS!
Even introducing such a bill causes massive problems.  Every time the word amnesty is mentioned in the media, the number of illegal aliens attempting to cross the borders soars to new heights with as many as 10,000 crossing daily!
But this doesn’t seem to bother the politicians at all, since, in their twisted little minds, they see each new immigrant as a new voter that will keep them in Washington.
BOTTOM LINE:  Any politician who suggests that putting enforcement before amnesty is a bad thing is either completely out of his or her mind, or, more likely, is a person who puts his own selfish interests ahead of the best interests of the nation, once again.
Call the Senate National Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.  Use your cellphone so the call will likely be free.  If you don’t know the names of your Senators, tell them what state you live in and they will provide their names and connect you.
Don’t worry — you will never get to speak to your Senators.  They are far too important to speak to lowly citizens.  You will be speaking to one of  their Legislative Assistants who will politely listen to you and then click off one more vote FOR or AGAINST the immigration bill.
This exercise might seem ridiculous but it is deadly serious.  We used to be a Constitutional Republic, that honored the rule of law.  Today, however, we are behaving like a country where the mob in the street rules.
And right now, the mob shouting in the street and on the phones calling Washington are those millions of illegal aliens who instead of cowering in the shadows, are boldly making demands to our Representatives and Senators.  They have no fear because they know that no President, since Reagan has had the courage to suggest that all persons who entered our country illegally should be deported.
And they never will unless and until the American people rise up; shake off all those politically-correct notions that we should put the interests of illegal aliens ahead of our own American citizens.
So please pick up the phone and call so we can have more check marks in our column than they have in theirs.
Yes, it is pathetic, but this is one of the few things that our lofty Senators pay any attention to … because they know that even thought they are stealing our rights and freedoms daily, we still have the power to throw the bums out.
Thank you!
Edward Nelson
U.S. Border Control
P.S. Your donation, now and then, will help us to remain your strong voice in Washington, DC and in state capitals throughout the country. Thank you.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Obama’s passion for tyranny.

There was a time when the United States stood for freedom and liberty.  There was a time when oppressed people who longed to be free would look to the United States.
Those were the days before Barack Obama.

Today we are seeing events unfold that show one thing beyond a reasonable doubt and to a moral certainty.  Barack Obama supports tyranny around the world and opposes those who want freedom, especially freedom from Islamic tyranny.

How do we know this?

It is simple.  We know this by the actions of Barack Obama.

Barack Obama helped support deposing one regime after another in the Middle East.  He supported replacing Hosni Mubarak, who was a strong American ally, with the Muslim Brotherhood.  He supported deposing Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi.  Who replaced Gaddafi?  Radical Islamists and do we hear a word from Barack Obama?


Now Obama wants America to support Islamic rebels in Syria who are trying to overthrow Syrian strongman Basher Al-Assad.  Assad is certainly not a good guy but given the track record of not only Obama but also what we know about the rebels, they will be worse.

It is not just the movements Obama supports that show us where his sympathies lie, but also who he does not support.

In 2009 and 2010, Iran was hit by protests that were called the “Green Revolution.”  Deposing the Iranian regime would have not only been good for America, it would have been good for the Iranian people. 

Did Obama do anything?

No, there was dead silence from the White House.

More recently, in Turkey there have been massive protests.

The protests have been directed against Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan.  Erdogan is a radical Islamist who has been turning Turkey, which had been a secular Muslim state into an Islamic state.

Turkey has been persecuting its tiny Christian minority for decades but under Erdogan, the persecution has reached new levels.  Christian churches are having their property taken from them.  Radical Islamist are demanding Turkey become an Islamic nation instead of a secular nation. 

Turkish citizens who do not want to live in an Islamic republic have taken to the streets.  In scenes reminiscent of the protests in 1989 at Tiananmen Square in China, protestors took over Taksim Square in Istanbul.

Erdogan ordered troops to go in and suppressed the protests.

Did we hear a word of support for those protestors from Barack Obama and the White House?


Did we hear a word of condemnation from the White House about the suppression of free expression by the Turkish government?


According to the AP, the White House has carefully avoided criticizing Erdogan.  In 2011, before he was deposed the White House showed no such restraint with then American ally Hosni Mubarak. 

As freedom wanes in Turkey and Iran, those who seek liberty do not have a friend in the White House.

Unfortunately those who believe in Islamic tyranny do.


Jerry Holbert

Obama Offends Catholics in UK: Says Religious Schools Divisive

Image: Obama Offends Catholics in UK: Says Religious Schools DivisivePresident Barack Obama angered some proponents of Catholic education during his visit to Northern Ireland this week when he told a Belfast audience that towns will remain divided "if Catholics have their schools and buildings, and Protestants have theirs."

An article, which subsequently appeared in the Scottish Catholic Observer, carried the headline, "U.S. President Undermines Catholic Schools After Vatican Prefect Praised Them."

The article said Obama "made an alarming call for an end to Catholic education in Northern Ireland," and quoted from recent remarks of the Vatican’s Archbishop Gerhard Müller, who had said that Catholic education was "a critical component of the Church."

Special Report: Obama’s Assault on Religion — Click Here Now

Dr. Matthew Bunson, senior correspondent for Our Sunday Visitor and author of the new book "Pope Francis," tells Newsmax the president should have chosen his words more carefully, and he pointed to the contribution that Catholic education has made to bringing about the 15-year-old peace in the once-troubled region.

"While I understand the background — the backdrop of his remarks in terms of the painful history of the religious strife in northern Ireland — it is unfortunate that his remarks could be construed by some as an attack on religious education," Bunson explained.

"It's an opportunity I think, though, to make note of the very significant role that religious education — especially Catholic education — has played in ending the strife in Northern Ireland, in particular the role of Catholic educators in helping to raise new generations in Ireland, who recognize the importance of cooperation, of peace, and that is something that’s worth celebrating.”

Conservative website was quick to label Obama's remarks as a "gaffe" based on the "fact that Obama did not consider the sensitivities of his audience — or that he inadvertently revealed his own anti-religious prejudice.

"To travel to a city troubled by conflict, and to then insult the members of at least one of the two communities, is not only a gaffe, but a serious diplomatic error," according to the website.

Obama arrived in Northern Ireland Monday morning after an overnight flight from Washington.

Following his speech to about 1,800 students and adults, he flew to a lakeside golf resort near Enniskillen, where he met with other leaders of the Group of 8 industrial nations on Syria, trade and counterterrorism.

The president also told the Belfast audience that peace in Northern Ireland is a "blueprint" for those living amid conflict around the world, while acknowledging that the calm between Catholics and Protestants will face further tests.

With respect to Catholic education, Obama said "If towns remain divided, if Catholics have their schools and buildings, and Protestants have theirs, if we can't see ourselves in one another, if fear or resentment are allowed to harden, that encourages division. It discourages cooperation."

Ashley McGuire, a senior fellow with The Catholic Association, also viewed Obama's remarks as an attack on Catholic education.

Special Report: Obama’s Assault on Religion — Click Here Now

"Catholic education is a longstanding tradition and a gift to society at large," she said. "Why the president chose to attack that tradition is beyond comprehension and represents his continuing effort to relegate religion to the private sphere."

© 2013 Newsmax. All rights reserved.


Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Obama family trip to Africa amid sequester cuts

President Obama’s trip this month to Africa, with the first family tagging along, is projected to cost taxpayers as much as $100 million, sparking criticism as the federal government scrimps along during sequester-related budget cuts.
Among the related costs will be fighter jets; hundreds of Secret Service agents; a Navy ship with a full trauma center; and military cargo planes to bring 56 vehicles including 14 limousines and three trucks loaded with sheets of bullet­proof glass to cover the windows of the hotels where the first family will stay. The details were reported by The Washington Post, based on a confidential planning document.
The trip to sub-Sahara Africa runs from June 26 to July 3.
The president and first lady have cancelled plans to go on a safari that would have included the additional expense of a sharp-shooting team, responsible for putting down a cheetah, lion or any other wild animal that became a threat.
Figuring out the exact cost of the overall trip is difficult because the information is classified for the purpose of national security.
However, a Government Accountability Office report shows President Clinton’s 1998 trip to six African nations cost at least $42.7 million – not including Secret Service expenses.
Obama’s trip could cost the federal government $60 million to $100 million based on the costs of similar African trips in recent years, a person familiar with the Obama journey but not authorized to speak for attribution told The Post.
The trip comes as agencies across the federal government try to find cost-saving measures to deal with the massive, across-the-board budget cuts known as sequester, which kicked in this year after Washington lawmakers failed to agree on a more measured approach. The Secret Service, for example, pushed to cancel public White House tours to save thousands in weekly overtime expenses.
“For the cost of this trip to Africa, you could have 1,350 weeks of White House tours,” Rep. George Holding, a North Carolina Republican, said last week. “It is no secret that we need to rein in government spending, and the Obama administration has regularly and repeatedly shown a lack of judgment for when and where to make cuts. … The American people have had enough of the frivolous and careless spending.”
The White House had defended the trip cost saying the Secret Service plan determines the security cost and that first family’s trip will result in long-term goodwill. 
“The infrastructure that accompanies the president’s travels is beyond our control,” said Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national security adviser for strategic communications. “When you travel to regions like Africa that don’t get a lot of presidential attention, you tend to have very long-standing and long-running impact from the visit.”

Monday, June 17, 2013

Immigration Activists Mob Kansas Secretary of State’s Home

Jun 17, 2013
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By Todd Starnes
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is calling for a criminal investigation after a huge mob of illegal alien supporters surrounded his private home Saturday and held a rally on his front porch.
At least 200 members of Sunflower Community Action were bused into Kobach’s Kansas City-area neighborhood on Saturday – to protest his staunch anti-illegal alien views.
“I was just appalled,” Kobach told Fox News. “They have a right to protect at my office or at public places – that’s fine. But they don’t have a right to enter someone’s private property and engage in this kind of intimidation.”
“I have four little girls and they would have been terrified to see 200 protesters shouting at their daddy on megaphones on the front lawn,” he said.
The secretary of state said a large number of the protesters were believed to be illegal aliens. They can be seen on video chanting in Spanish, standing on Kobach’s porch, front yard and driveway and demanding that he come outside.
“Kris Kobach, come on out,” one unidentified protester shouted. “We’ll show you what Kansans are all about.”
Kobach and his family happened to be out-of-town when the demonstrators arrived. Video showed the protesters arriving in four buses – and then marching through the neighborhood. They left behind 20 pairs of shoes at his doorstep – representing illegals who’ve been deported.
Kobach has built a national profile presenting tough policies on illegal immigration issues. He and his family apparently weren’t home during the protest at his home.
“You don’t go to a public official’s home and try to intimidate him because of the positions he’s taken,” he said.
A receptionist at Sunflower Community Action told Fox News they would be releasing a statement to the press later today.
Kobach said he was especially troubled to learn that it took police at least 15 minutes to respond to his house.
“You have a mob of 200 people gathering on someone’s property and it takes the police 15 minutes to get there,” he said. “That doesn’t give you a whole lot of confidence either. I shudder to think what would have happened if one of those members of the mob had tried to break into the house.”
He also feared what would have happened had he been home with his wife and four young daughters.
“On a typical Saturday, my four girls would have been riding their bikes and coloring chalk in the driveway,” he said. “That’s where they play. If four buses pulled up and the mob started marching down upon them, they would have been absolutely terrified.”
The secretary of state is a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment – and he said the incident at his home is an example of why Americans should bear arms.
“If we had been in the home and not been armed, I would have felt very afraid – because it took the police 15 minutes to show up,” he said. “It’s important we recognize there’s a reason we have the Second Amendment. There are situations like this where you have a mob and you do need to be able to protect yourself.”
He said had they been home and the mob had gotten out of hand, his family would have been in “grave jeopardy.”
“The Second Amendment is the private property owner’s last resort,” he said.
Kobach said he’s asked local police and the county attorney to investigate the incident. He believes a number of laws were violated including terrorizing a public official.
The county attorney did not return calls seeking comment.
Kobach said he will not be silenced by the weekend mob-action.
“My views are set and I’m determined to do what I can to restore the rule of law,” he said. “Let’s obey our laws and not give amnesty to illegal aliens.”
And he also leveled a warning to would-be protesters.
“Don’t come to my home and don’t scare my family,” he said.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Obama Assists the Muslim Brotherhood One More Time

"Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration."
-- Motto of the Muslim Brotherhood
What does it take to get Congress to come to their senses?  Obama makes plans to send heavy weapons and arms to the rebels in Syria – you can bet your booties that the rebels that are fighting to remove Bashar Al-Assad are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. 
Obama and John McCain will deny that statement vehemently, but ole John doesn’t appear to be too nervous over the atrocities on the Christians in Egypt.  McCain probably should step back and stay out of this mix, because he’s aiding and abetting the Muslim Brotherhood and at the same time helping Obama in his quest to place America under Sharia Law.  
Ghassan Hitto was elected by the rebels this spring to be in charge of the interim Asyrian Government for the rebels. Hitto has sort of been hiding in the shadows working as an IT manager and Islamic Activist. Back in the early 2000.s he served as VP of CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations. CAIR is yet one more example of “Stealth Jihad” and is kissin’ cousins with the Muslim Brotherhood. 
CAIR isn’t exactly your friendly neighborhood girl or boy scout group – buyer beware, what you see isn’t what you get!
“In 2002, U.S. media identified Mr. Hitto as the Vice-President of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) Dallas Fort-Worth Chapter (see Note 1). A Hudson Institute report identifies CAIR as part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas support infrastructure in the U.S.”
“According to the Texas Secretary of State, Mr. Hitto is a director of the Muslim American Society(MAS) Youth Center of Dallas. He has also been listed in the past as the contact person for the Dallas chapter of the MAS. The Hudson Institute report also identifies the MAS as part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and close to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.”
June 2012 there were five brave Patriots, Lynn Westmoreland, Tom Rooney, Michele Bachmann, Louis Gohmert and Trent Franks who dared question the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood in our Government.
They sent letters to the Inspector Generals of Homeland Security, Department of Defense, DOJ and State and one to the Director of National Security asking for an investigation concerning the Muslim Brotherhood influence in each of these agencies.   
Of course as usual the Obama Administration, Liberal News Media and the remainder of our Congressional Representatives basically tarred and feathered the five, which demonstrates the secure position the Muslim Brotherhood has in our Government. Remember their objective has always been to destroy our Nation from the inside out. Ironically the Sec. of State and John McCain condemned the five brave Americans. McCain has his fingers in everyone’s pot it seems – wonder if he’s thinking about or maybe already has been converted by the Muslims. 
George Bush was blindsided by the Muslim Brotherhood during the 911 terrorist attacks – the brotherhood assured him that this was merely a small sector of Muslims gone bad.   
America in 2009 we placed a Muslim Brotherhood lover in our White House as our Commander in Chief.  He has led Congress around by their noses strategically placing more members of the brotherhood in his cabinet, encouraging Arab Springs which was an “Islamic Wake Up Call.” 
Arab Springs was the hot button that was Obama’s way of signaling the Muslim Brotherhood that it was time to start their take over of the Middle East Countries.  Now he’s ready to take Bashar Al-Assad down with America’s money, arms, ammo and heavy artillery.  He will ship Muslims into our Country by the shipload between now and 2016; he will put our Military in harms way if necessary for Sharia Law is on the horizon.
Nothing will stop him unless Congress comes to their senses and Americans stand up and fight for their Country. The sad thing about all of his this is; (1) Our FBI, Homeland security, the CIA, Sec. of State know exactly what Obama is doing, (2) Republicans, Democrats and the Obama Administration are aware of what this dictator (Obama) is doing.   
Could these be on America’s Most Wanted List in the near future?

Arif Alikhan – Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Mohammed Elibiary – Homeland Security Adviser.
Rashad Hussain – Special Envoy to the (OIC) Organization of the Islamic Conference.
Salam al-Marayati – Obama Adviser, founder of Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director.
Imam Mohamed Magid – Obama’s Sharia Czar, Islamic Society of North America.
Eboo Patel – Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships

Friday, June 14, 2013

Texas Gov. Perry signs 'Merry Christmas' bill into law

perrychristmasap.jpgSurrounded by sleigh bell-ringing Santa Claus impersonators, Gov. Rick Perry on Thursday signed a law protecting Christmas and other holiday celebrations in Texas public schools from legal challenges - but also stressed that freedom of religion is not the same thing as freedom from religion.
It was a serious tone for an otherwise fun bill-signing and should bolster the governor's Christian conservative credentials before he travels to Washington for the Faith & Freedom Coalition's "Road to Majority" conference with the likes of tea party darlings and U.S. Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida, Kentucky's Rand Paul and fellow Texan Ted Cruz.
Dubbed the "Merry Christmas" bill, the bipartisan measure sailed through the state House and Senate to reach Perry's desk.
It removes legal risks of saying "Merry Christmas" in schools while also protecting traditional holiday symbols, such as a menorah or nativity scene, so long as more than one religion and a secular symbol are also reflected.
"I realize it's only June. But it's a good June and the holidays are coming early this year," Perry said. " It's a shame that a bill like this one I'm signing today is even required, but I'm glad that we're standing up for religious freedom in this state. Religious freedom does not mean freedom from religion."
During the last Sunday of the legislative session on May 26, Rep. Donna Howard, an Austin Democrat, gave the Texas House's daily prayer.
"We are fortunate to live in a country where we have the freedom to exercise the religion of our choosing while also being free from having any religion imposed upon us," said Howard, herself a Unitarian Universalist.
Her words prompted some conservative lawmakers to hold their own, separate prayer session moments later.
Perry did not mention Howard or her prayer, but invited to the signing ceremony cheerleaders from Kountze High School in East Texas. They were briefly barred by their school district from displaying banners with bible verses at football games. Perry decried the ban and a judge eventually ruled it violated students' free speech rights.
The governor said Thursday that the law was for believers like the Kountze cheerleaders, who wore red "I cheer for Jesus" T-shirts.
The Faith & Freedom Coalition is a conservative, grass-roots advocacy group whose conference runs through the weekend. Perry heads to Washington on Friday.
The bill's sponsor, Republican Rep. Dwayne Bohac of Houston, said he drafted it after discovering that his son's school erected a "holiday tree" in December because any mention of Christmas could spark litigation.
"We hope that this is a fire that will take off and become laws in the other 49 states," said Bohac, who said his bill has attracted national attention.
He added of Perry: "This is not a governor that shirks away from the tough issues. And this should not be a tough issue, which is what's even amazing about all this. But this is just political correctness that's run a-muck and our brains have been completely fallen out as a result."
As Perry signed the bill, 10 members of a group called the Lone Star Santas - with long white beards but wearing colorful summer garb rather than their traditional red suits - cheered and rang bells. Standing behind Perry's desk was Glenn Westberry, or "Santa G" from Houston, and Rabbi Zev Johnson of the Rohr Chabad Jewish Center at the University of Texas.
Both cheered the bill, with Westberry saying he has been "persona non grata in Texas schools for too long." Johnson joked, "I thought this was the 'Happy Hanukkah' law."
